Experience Renovco
Renovco has a smartly identifiable Unique Concept. From emergency work reconstruction, content handling and cleaning warehousing, mold remediation, Ozone treatment, and Fire-line system to a distribution channel and one stop shop for design services. This clever solution is translating to become, not only an exclusive competency that Renovco enjoys, but also a profound peace-of-mind feature that clients treasure.
R.B.Q. : 8278-7656-27
Address: 52 Antares Dr. Unit 6, Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z1
Tel: 613-727-7070
Email: infoottawa@renovco.com
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday : 9AM to 5PM
Address: 11355 Chemin de la Côte de Liesse, Dorval, QC H9P 1B2
Tel: 514-856-9993 Fax: 514-745-5223
Email: info@renovco.com
Showroom Hours
Season : September to March
Monday through Friday : 9AM to 6PM
Saturday: 10AM to 5PM
Sunday by appointment.
Season : April to August
Monday through Wednesday : 9AM to 6PM
Thursday and Friday: 9AM to 8PM
Saturday: 10AM to 5PM
Sunday by appointment.
Fire Protection Tips | Ottawa
What is Fire Protection? Fire protection is a combination of fire equipment and procedures that are used to protect your property from fire. This combination of equipment usually includes fire alarms, extinguishers, and sprinkler systems. This combination system work is to ensure your property safeness. Accidents happen, a single spark can spread within seconds. The […]
Protecting your investment
Renovco VIP Reception
On November 13, 2014, Renovco held at its showroom located on 11355 Cote de Liesse its VIP Reception Event.
5 to 7 Business networking at Renovco Design Center – Les Elles de la construction
On March 20, 2014, Renovco Design Center held its first Business Networking event.
Living Room