Experience Renovco
Renovco has a smartly identifiable Unique Concept. From emergency work reconstruction, content handling and cleaning warehousing, mold remediation, Ozone treatment, and Fire-line system to a distribution channel and one stop shop for design services. This clever solution is translating to become, not only an exclusive competency that Renovco enjoys, but also a profound peace-of-mind feature that clients treasure.
R.B.Q. : 8278-7656-27
Address: 52 Antares Dr. Unit 6, Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z1
Tel: 613-727-7070
Email: infoottawa@renovco.com
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday : 9AM to 5PM
Address: 11355 Chemin de la Côte de Liesse, Dorval, QC H9P 1B2
Tel: 514-856-9993 Fax: 514-745-5223
Email: info@renovco.com
Showroom Hours
Season : September to March
Monday through Friday : 9AM to 6PM
Saturday: 10AM to 5PM
Sunday by appointment.
Season : April to August
Monday through Wednesday : 9AM to 6PM
Thursday and Friday: 9AM to 8PM
Saturday: 10AM to 5PM
Sunday by appointment.
The Biggest Benefits of Basement Remodeling
Many homeowners make the mistake of squandering valuable space by never finishing their basements. The many advantages of a finished basement, including greater space and higher property value, can be enjoyed by homeowners with the assistance of a reliable basement renovation contractor. Our skilled basement remodeling contractors at Renovco Ottawa have a stunning portfolio of […]
Attic Mold Removal In Ottawa
Do you need to remove the mold in your attic? Mold is a type of growth that is defined by a few essential components, such as moisture, a surface to grow on, and a lack of air circulation. Mold attic is the biggest problem that homeowners encounter. Primarily because homes don’t know there is a […]
White Gloss Kitchen Cabinets
For people who want to create a modern look, white gloss kitchen cabinets are a great choice. Kitchen cabinets with white gloss are more fashionable than ever. This is because they successfully blend cleanliness and modernity. White gloss kitchen cabinets are a popular option for many people. They are frequently found in contemporary kitchens and […]
Mold Remediation Ottawa: Basic Information and the Removal Process
Mold remediation identifies and removes or encapsulates large-scale mold from homes to keep residents and homeowners safe. Also, mold treatment becomes a more common feature of purchasing and selling homes. Every homeowner wants to avoid having a mold problem. The dampness in the basement and water intrusion are just two causes. It’s important to take […]
10 Top Bathroom Trends For 2023
The clean lines, low-maintenance materials, and generous use of natural colors will all be trends in bathroom design for 2023. Bathroom design trends for 2023 pay special attention to detail to produce a room that is brimming with personality. We are noticing curves, organic materials, and gentle hues. While some themes harken back to the […]