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5 Ideas How To Make Your Bathroom More Accessible

Accessible bathroom remodelling is not limited to disabled or elderly adults locked in a wheelchair. Homeowners renovating their bathrooms need to reevaluate design considerations to better suit their needs as they age in their home. Common aspects of a bathroom like wet shower tiles and a low toilet can pose a threat to the elderly. […]


6 Ways to Renovate Your Bathroom On A Low Budget

We’ve all been spending a lot of time at home, and seeing the same walls as we work from home is getting old now. As you travel from the living room to the basement to the bathroom, you may wonder, what can you do to spice things up. Add some new furniture, buy a widescreen […]


How to Increase Your Property Sale Value

It is a buyer market. With so many properties on the market, buyers are spoiled for choice when it comes to making a purchase decision. Most buyers are looking for a property that is ready to move-in, where they can ensure that no additional costs will be incurred, over and above the purchase price, property […]


Bathroom Trends: Top 10 Trends for 2021

Looking to renovate your bathroom? Before getting started, take a look at which trends are all going crazy for 2021! Neutral colours, a mix of materials, bathroom sinks that steal the show…We’ve combined the top 2021 bathroom trends to help you decide what your new space should look like! 1. Nude colours are a must!  […]


Interior Design Trends for 2021/2022

One of the most interesting aspects and examples for the upcoming interior design trends for the 2021/2022 season are contemporary experiments by industry and designers to create unusual and new materials that guarantee charming beauty and style, but at the same time without harmful effects on nature, which requires a balanced approach between nature and […]


15 Interior and Exterior Door Trends for 2021

15 Interior and Exterior Door Trends for 2021?  In-home decor essentials, each detail can make a difference in the overall concept of a dream interior. One of the greatest elements includes door design 2021 which is worth paying special awareness to as it forms both the interior/exterior design of your house. Doors, chosen in accordance […]


2021 Windows Replacement Costs

Windows are one of the most important parts of a house and that’s why we have to know the replacement costs. Throughout the day we all want to let as much sun as we can inside our house but this can be hard with an old window that has unclear glass and a broken window […]


Why Choose An IICRC Certified Firm?

After disasters, it’s time to build back up as soon as possible and you don’t have time to think about the quality of the restoration that’s why you need to choose an IICRC certified firm. It may be your house or your business that needs restoration and you can’t live without it even one day. […]