
Basic Bathroom Renovation Tips | Ottawa

Making bathroom renovation is a bigger project than you think. This especially when you live in an older Ottawa home. Renovco as a renovation company that operates mainly in Ottawa recommends several important steps to keep in mind during a bathroom renovation. In this way, you can realize a successful, efficient and cost-effective project. 4 […]

Basement Renovation In Ottawa

Usually, basement renovation is used to create guest rooms, kids’ playrooms, game room/ bar areas, and in a lot of cases space is used as a place in the home where the family can retire to and relax after a long day of activities. Most basement renovations are used to create kids’ playrooms, guest rooms, […]

Make The Home Renovation Eco-Friendly!

The fact of the matter is that after a while all the homes that we have comfortably lived in will need improvement. We can easily just get used to our homes and not see the need to change anything. But our children or new friends who come to visit might politely or more obviously point […]